Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Go Figure

When I found myself reasoning and barganing with a local "crackhead" again is when  I realized that I myself may have hit rock bottom as far as jobs go. The actual conversation was quite funny, when I saw this "guest" walk in the door ( I had previously thrown him out of the hotel for misbehaving) I was at the Front Desk and I immediately said " You better not be any trouble this time" . It was quite funny to see his look when I said this,but I did not stop there I continued, " I really mean it,you better lay low,  No visitors or dozens of phone calls or suspicious activity, Got It!". This guest actually laughed and said he would behave.  I took his money and deposit and checked him in.

Its sad to see a hotel that once was an award winning property have to resort to rely on the guests you once would throw out.For the simple reason  that we needed to make enough money for utilities and payroll.

This blog will be a way for me to purge myself of  the daily misdeeds I may have had to resort to in order to just cover payroll.  Lets hope I do not go crazy in the process of purging. 

Only time will tell.